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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD, causes a person to be inattentive, hyper and impulsive. Physicians and alternative medicine practitioners commonly recommend supplementing a person’s diet with minerals and vitamins for ADHD that are effective in decreasing the symptoms, or correcting a nutritional deficiency that may be the cause of the ADHD symptoms. A physician may recommend that a person with ADHD take an Intracellular Vitamin Analysis blood test to determine the vitamins that are lacking in the person’s diet. The best nutrients and vitamins for ADHD are Omega 3, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and protein.
Omega 3 is a fatty acid that a person can only obtain through food sources. Some studies have shown that supplementing the diet of children with ADHD with Omega 3 can help in increase the child’s ability to focus, and also decrease aggressive behavior. While there are dietary supplements available, many people choose to increase their intake of Omega 3 foods, which includes mackerel, albacore tuna, walnuts, strawberries and cauliflower.
The most popular and highly recommended vitamins for ADHD are Vitamin B3, B6, and B12. A physician will recommend that a person take the Vitamin B complex, so that a person maintains the correct balance of the various nutrients contained in a B complex. B3 is used in the body’s production of energy through the conversion of carbohydrates. B6 is used by the brain to produce serotonin and norepinephrine chemicals that are responsible for a person’s mood, response to stress, and ability to focus. B12 is involved in how the brain functions, and a deficiency can cause depression, lack of concentration, and mental dullness.
Other vitamins have a direct impact on sugar levels, which can affect mood and the nervous system. Studies have shown that many people with ADHD lack Vitamin C in their bodies. The vitamin destroys toxins and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Magnesium calms the nervous system, and it is involved in the production of serotonin. A deficiency can cause a person to be irritable and anxious.
There are also nutrients that control the hyperactive symptoms associated with ADHD. In certain studies, zinc has been effective in treating the hyperactivity symptom of ADHD. Getting enough protein in a person’s diet is one of the most important nutrients to decrease ADHD symptoms. Protein is involved in many important processes in the body, including the proper functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain. By eating the proper amount of protein each day, a person will feel more alert and responsive taking these vitamins for ADHD.

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